What is reiki 

It is a healing method where the practitioner channels universal life energy and uses their hands to give it to someone. Reiki was first developed by a Japanese Buddhist, Mikao Usui, in 1922. 

Reiki works just as well on animals as on humans. Reiki is a wonderful complement to traditional medicine. It does not hurt and gives no side effects.

For the person or pet receiving reiki it is relaxaing. When using reiki on pets the practitioner can either place their hands direclty on the body of the animal or keep them at a distance, what ever is the most comfortable for the pet. 

A session will last up to 45 minutes or until the pet is clearly showing that it no longer wants to receive reiki.

Please visit Pet Reiki page on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Pet-Reiki-healing-for-animals/339809646045832

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