George's story  

"My very first client was George. He was a golden Labrador. George was getting old and wih age was having more and more problems with arthritis. He could not get up on the couch any longer and he had to take a lot of medicine.

The lady of the house decided to try Reiki on George, while her husband was very, very sceptical.

George loved Reiki. After the first session the husband could not believe his eyes. George was so energetic, playful, happy and so much more mobile. His owners decided to half his medication.

After another couple of sessions George could jump up on the couch and enjoy to be in his favourite place in the house again."

JoJo's story

"Some years ago my old friend, JoJo. stopped eating. He was just sleeping all the time and did not want to be disturbed, no petting or cuddles.

JoJo was 15 years old and there was nothing to suggest what was wrong with him. I thought he was dying.

I started giving him Reiki. He did not want me to touch him so I kept my hands a bit away from him. He did not walk away. Later on he came and sat beside me, looking miserable, but wanting something from me. I gave him Reiki again. Afterwards he went for a long sleep.

This went on for 3 days. In the morning of the fourth day I heard a big hungry MEEOOOW as I got out of bed and JoJo was running infront of me into the kitchen ready for breakfast."

He has since passed away, but he never stopped asking for Reiki up until the end. He lived until he was 19. 


Bella's story

"Bella, an Italian greyhound, injured her tail. It was swollen and the vet could not rule out that she might loose part of her tail as the blood flow was impaired. Bella was sad as she could not wiggle her tail. After just one session she started to wiggle her tail a bit, the swelling was slightly reduced and she was a lot happier. After the second session her tail was wiggling as normal."

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